How do I store my Kosuma Bars? And what is their shelf life?
Kosuma Bars do not contain any artificial preservatives, additives or stabilizers. They are all made using nuts and seeds and some have a layer of chocolate on top. As a result, they are temperature sensitive. We recommend that Kosuma bars be stored in a cool, dry environment out of direct sunlight. Temperatures over 20 degrees Celsius may result in in natural oils and/or chocolate blooming appearing on the surface of the bar. For optimal freshness, please store bars in the refrigerator. Kosuma bars have a 6 month shelf when proper storage procedures are met.
Are Kosuma Bars Celiac friendly?
Yes! Our bars are 100% gluten free. They are made using gluten free oats. Our oats are pure and not subjected to cross contamination with gluten.
Are Kosuma Bars high in protein?
Each bar contains 9-11g of plant-based protein derived from nuts, seeds and whole grains. Protein is the building block of our body. It is essential for properly functioning hormones, enzymes and antibodies.
Is there salt in Kosuma Bars?
Yes, we use minimal Himalayan sea salt in our bars. Salt is vital for life. However, the commercial table and cooking salts on the market are chemically cleaned and highly processed eliminating essential minerals. They also contain anti-clumping additives. We use Himalayan salt from the Himalayas in Pakistan. Pink or white in colour, it is often referred to as “white gold”. Himalayan salt contains the same 84 essential minerals found in the human body.
Are Kosuma Bars baked?
Kosuma Bars are blended, not baked. The tapioca syrup and dates are subjected to heat but all other ingredients are raw offering optimal vitamins and nutrients.
Is there sugar in Kosuma Bars?
Kosuma Bars contain sugar coming from natural sources – tapioca syrup and dates. Tapioca syrup is a subtle natural sweetener that comes from the cassava or yucca vegetable root. Cassava is the third largest source of carbohydrates in the world and exists in many varieties in South America, India, and Asia. Tapioca syrup is gluten and GMO free. It is a fantastic alternative to corn syrup, sugar, honey, maple syrup and molasses. Aside from being a healthful sweetener replacement, tapioca contains antioxidants and aids in digestion.
Are Kosuma Bars vegan?
Yes! Our bars are meat and dairy free. They do not contain any animal products.
What is a complex carbohydrate?
Unlike simple carbs, complex carbs – nuts, seeds and whole grains – take longer to digest and are packed with fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Complex carbs do not give you a sugar spike and allow you to stay satisfied for longer periods of time. Our bars contain 4-5g of fibre which is so important for both satiation and gastrointestinal health.
What kind of chocolate do you use?
We use 74% organic dark chocolate. Research shows that dark chocolate and dark cocoa provide cell-protecting antioxidants and can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. In fact, dark chocolate contains higher concentrations of antioxidants per ounce than blueberries, green tea, or red wine.
Note: when subjected to heat, chocolate undergoes “blooming” in which the surface of the bar becomes white/gray due changes in fat and sugar crystals. We recommend your bars be stored below 20 degrees Celsius and out of direct sunlight to prevent blooming.
What does Kosuma mean?
Thrive and grow strong.
I’m Diabetic. Can I eat Kosuma bars?
Kosuma Bars are sweetened naturally. They are also high in protein and fibre which help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent sugar spikes. We regularly receive positive testimonials from Diabetic customers. However, each case is unique and we recommend consulting your physician if you are unsure if Kosuma bars are right for you.
Where does the iron come from in Kosuma Bars?
Our bars are 100% vegan and support a plant-based diet. We know how challenging it can be for vegans to obtain adequate iron in their diet. Our bars contain 28-36% of your recommended daily iron intake. The iron is derived mainly from the brown rice protein, pumpkin seeds and oats found in all nine flavours. Iron is vital for keeping you energized and focused throughout the day.
What are essential fats?
These are fats that the body cannot make itself and has to get from food and supplements. They are important for healthy skin and hair, and immune and brain function. There are two types, omega-3 and omega-6, both of which are abundant in our bars. Essential fats are found in many of our ingredients particularly flax, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds.
Can I eat a Kosuma Bar as a meal replacement?
Yes! Kosuma Bars contain approximately 300 calories. They are rich in macronutrients – protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. They will keep you nourished and satisfied.
What is the meaning of your logo?
The flower represents the raw ingredients in our bars namely cranberries, almonds and pumpkin seeds.